pet on carpet

How to keep your home smelling fresh with pets

Here’s our top tips to keeping your house from smelling and looking like a kennel.

  1. Get an odor-resistant bed
  2. Use an air purifier
  3. Put baking soda out – you can also sprinkle baking soda onto the carpets and let it sit overnight to absorb odors, then vacuum it up in the morning
  4. Wash once a week – gather up all those blankets, toys etc and wash them. Cuts downs on smell and prevents mild and mildew from growing.
  5. Use an enzymatic cleaner – the enzymes in cleaners attack the particles that cause staining and odors, helping to rid your home of both. There are natural ones out there that are safe to use on anything from carpets to beds.
  6. Wash everything with apple cider vinegar. From blankets to pillows and curtains, basically wash anything your pet comes into contact with on a regular basis. Use a combination of laundry soap and ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with cold water.

If these points have made you think a little more about what may be hiding right under your… feet, and you’re after a professional carpet clean, we can help!

From only $180, one of our local carpet cleaning experts can come to your home, with top of the line equipment, and get your carpets looking, feeling and smelling FRESH!

You can either book online or get in touch for more information!

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